Dr Anita George

Dr Anita George - Adult Psychiatrist


Adult Psychiatry – Anxiety, Depression, Bi-Polar, Women’s Perinatal, Eating Disorders, Workcover, PTSD.

Dr George works from –

Blaxland on Wednesdays 

Penrith on Mondays and Fridays

Dr George’s work in Psychiatry began in 2004 across public and private mental health.

Her focused private practice commenced in 2014 and had her travelling the eastern side of Australia – from Melbourne to Townsville and Sydney. Since 2016, Dr George has settled in Sydney and is expanding her private practice to the beautiful hinterland regions of the Blue Mountains.

More information on Dr George is available via her website

(Citadel Clinic: https://www.citadelclinic.com.au)

All patient enquiries are handled by Dr George’s Personal Assistant Sarah D

via reception@citadelclinic.com.au

or # 0491 637 287 (operational on Mon-s, Wed-s & Fri-s)


Please use the email as the preferred means of contact, especially on the mobile non-operational days.